FCE Miss Mantzouka 22/02/2022


1) Learn by heart the theory about temporals



Τα Temporals ειναι λέξεις/φράσεις που μετά απο αυτές βάζουμε PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (present tenses in general) και ΟΧΙ WILL παρόλο που μιλάμε για το μέλλον

These phrases are:


1. as soon as/once=μόλις

2. before/after

3. while/as

4. when (=όταν)

5. as long as=so long as=provided (that)=providing (that)=only if=on condition that=on the understanding that

6. if/unless=αν/αν δεν

7. by the time=until=’till=μέχρι

8. the minute that=the moment that=την στιγμή που...


Example: You can sleep in my room as long as you take off your shoes. (NOT: you can sleep in my room as long as you will take off your shoes)

Exceptions to the rule:εξαιρέσεις στον κανόνα

1. when (=πότε)-When will you come to my party?

2. don’t/doesn’t know if/=δεν ξέρω αν

Wonder if=αναρωτιέμαι αν

Doubt if=αμφιβάλλω αν=I doubt if he will tell you the truth.




For next Tuesday, do test 2, listening, writing, reading grammar-vocabulary (75 minutes)

-Learn by heart the vocabulary I am sending you in the photos. Learn only the words circled and learn a small example for each word

-Extra Practice: pages 38-41






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