PRE-FCE Miss Mantzouka 05/05/2022



1) COMPANION: page 59-64 start revising unit 8, TEST ON UNIT 8 ON MONDAY 9/05/2022

after you study all the words, do exercises A,B,C on page 65 

2) STUDENT'S BOOK: page 83 study GRAMMAR 2 BOX A,B

must=have/has to=had to=need=obligation (υποχρέωση)


don't have to=don't need to=needn't=absence of necessity=έλλειψη αναγκαιότητας

didn't need to do something=δεν ήταν απαραίτητο και δεν έγινε (in the past)

needn't have done something=δεν ήταν απαραίτητο αλλά έγινε (in the past)

Now, do the following quiz to check your knowledge.

page 83 exercise C

page 86 exercises A,B page 87 exercise C

3) WORKBOOK: page 56 exercise c,d page 59 exercise A


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