FULL BLAST B2 miss mantzouka 18/10/2022
1) Find and write at least 2 nouns which end in -ure:
For example,
departure, pleasure, architecture
2) Play this game!
3) COMPANION: pages 8-10 learn the words from fashion victim (1) up to innovative (80)
page 7 exercises A,B,C (for those students who didn't do it)
4) STUDENT'S BOOK: page 13 exercise B (for those students who didn't do it)
page 14 exercise B write an article (for those students who didn't do it)
pages 18-19 exercise C: step 1: underline the key words (=the most important words in the questions), step 2: scan the text to find the key words or synonyms of the key words. step 3: find and underline the answer in the text. step 4: read the options a,b,c,d and choose the correct answer.
page 19 exercise D
5) WORKBOOK: page 11 exercises A,B,C
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