FULL BLAST FCE miss mantzouka 29.11.2022
1) COMPANION: page 17-18 from number 88 up to number 129 + the word 'hold'=a. κρατάω b. organise
Example: They are holding the press conference(=συνέντευξη τύπου) at Royal Hotel.
page 19 exercises A,B,C
Revise all the words from unit 3-Test next Tuesday 6.12.2022
2) STUDENT'S BOOK: page 31 exercises A,B, page 33 exercises A,C, page 34 write an essay on the topic in exercise B:
Are TV commercials for products and services informative or do they mislead people into believing things that are not true?
Use the paragraph plan on page 35 exercise H.Feel free to borrow words/phrases/ideas from the model
Remember to use TOPIC SENTENCES=θεματικές προτάσεις FOR EVERY PARAGRAPH in the main body.
3) WORKBOOK: page 21 exercise C, page 23 exercise A, page 24 exercise B
4) Answer the following questions about yourselves in the notebook (for those who haven't done it)
-who do you rely on for some good advice and why?
- What channels do you subscribe to on YouTube?
-How important is it to be able to confide in a friend and why?What do you usually talk about?
-Do you object to smoking/lying?Why?
-If you failed a test/an exam, what would this result in?
-Think about fast food restaurants like McDonald's and Goody's.They have revolutionized the way we........For example,........
-Would you consent to take a lie detector test?
5) extra lesson notes
distribute flyers=διανέμω φυλλάδια=give out
noun suffixes=καταλήξεις ουσιαστικών
-ure: pleasure
-ion: confusion, distribution, objection, subscription
-ence:confidence, insistence, correspondence, reference
-ance: reliance, importance,
commercials paint a rosy/unrealistic picture of life
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