PORTAL 3 SENIOR C miss mantzouka 22.12.2022





1) COMPANION: page 46 up to page 47 learn by heart the words from quizlet


page 48 exercises A,B 


2) STUDENT'S BOOK: pages 44: read the texts about Gary M and Kevin S and answer the following questions:(απαντάμε τις ερωτήσεις με ολοκληρωμένο τροπο, υποκείμενο, ρήμα, αντικείμενο)

Τext 1

 -where does Gary M work:

-what does he do?

-who did he see while he was cleaning the shark tank?

-what did the sharks do when they heard noise?


 Text 2

 -what does Kevin S do?

-is a car chase something new for Kevin?

-What happened when he was ready to jump?

-did he manage to stop the car?

-did he fall into the water?

-did he get injured?

page 44 exercise C


3) WORKBOOK: page 40 exercises A,B, C, page 41 exercises D,E,F


4) GRAMMAR BOOK: pages 50-51 study the theory about PAST PROGRESSIVE=Ενεστώτας Διαρκείας, page 51 exercises A,B page 52 exercises C,D





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